So... Insanity lasted only 3 days. Rather, I lasted 3 days on Insanity and went back to trusty old Bob and Jillian. I told a friend the other day that it felt like 2011 would be a good year - full of promise and new, bright things on the horizon. God has blessed me with a part-time teaching job at a familiar school nearby, and there's a possibility of yet another p/t teaching position. Two of my close friends have had babies recently, so I'm head over heels with two baby boys who've stolen my heart with their gummy grins and their sweet baby smells. Don't even get me started on their tiny fingers and toes... gahhh...
I'm reading "Clean", by Dr. Junger. I'm hoping it'll really push me to healthier eating and a healthier lifestyle overall. I'm talking about mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health- all of it. I may have been in a physically healthier place last year in Daegu, but my spiritual life and emotional well-being were in serious need of healing. Pastor Keith's sermon really challenged me - I can't expect to be changed and get to know God if I don't get off my butt and make some real changes and take an active role in pursuing God. In trusting Him completely with my life. How can I say that I love God if I won't take these steps? I can't say it. That's the sobering truth.
Lastly, I let myself be very vulnerable to a boy last year and in the process, was hurt when it ended. The aftermath was a festering and increasingly painful wound - mostly self- inflicted, I see now. And I thought I was over it, and over him. Until. He emailed me, wanting to begin an email correspondence. We've been emailing back and forth for a few weeks and I thought I was all right with it until a friend challenged me and asked if I were really ok, or if I was deceiving myself. Am I? All I know is - I refuse to wallow in bitterness any longer. Never again.