Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It's day 3 of my 18-day long break. When I was a child, my vacations would be filled with days at the hakwon and miscellaneous workbooks. Now that I'm regulating my time, I need to make sure that it's spent fruitfully and wisely. I'm still figuring it out. I have a few days left until Chicago, so in the meantime, I've been meaning to spend some time studying Korean and exercising. Eek I left out God. I need to spend more time with God. After years away from small groups, I've finallly joined one. There are about 11 ladies, ranging in age from early twenties to about early - 40s. An eclectic mix, to be sure. It's weird - with age, I notice that I've become more confident, or more I - don't - care about certain things, while becoming even more awkward and self- conscious in other areas. For example, I've become more self - conscious about praying out loud in public. Maybe it's because my prayer life has become so irregular and unsatisfactory that it's become a foreign language of sorts to me. Whatever the case, I'm glad I finally did join a small group. I'm looking forward to God's blessings and being encouraged.

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